MParT supports the ability to serialize/archive objects when installed with the MPART_ARCHIVE
cmake configuration option, powered by the cereal C++ serialization library. One example of using this to save would be to do
#include <MParT/Utilities/Serialization.h>
using namespace mpart;
void SerializeComponent(int inputDim, int maxOrder, std::string filename) {
// Create MapOptions
MapOptions options;
options.basisType = BasisTypes::ProbabilistHermite;
options.basisNorm = false;
// Create FixedMultiIndexSet and map component
FixedMultiIndexSet<Kokkos::HostSpace> mset (inputDim, maxOrder);
auto comp = MapFactory::CreateComponent(mset, options);
auto coeffs = comp->Coeffs();
for (int i = 0; i < coeffs.extent(0); i++)
coeffs(i) = 0.5*(i+1);
// Serialize objects
std::ofstream os(filename);
cereal::BinaryOutputArchive archive(os);
archive(options, mset, comp->Coeffs());
ConditionalMapBase<Kokkos::HostSpace> DeserializeComponent(std::string filename) {
std::ifstream is(filename);
cereal::BinaryInputArchive archive(is);
MapOptions options;
FixedMultiIndexSet<Kokkos::HostSpace> mset(1,1); // No default constructor
Kokkos::View<double*, Kokkos::HostSpace> coeffs;
archive(options, mset, coeffs);
auto comp = MapFactory::CreateComponent(mset, options);
return comp;
int main() {
int inputDim = 5;
int maxOrder = 3;
std::string filename = "";
SerializeComponent(inputDim, maxOrder, filename);
auto comp = DeserializeComponent(filename);
In Python, you can only serialize one object per file.
import mpart as mt
def SerializeComponent(inputDim, maxOrder):
# Create MapOptions
options = mt.MapOptions()
options.basisType = mt.BasisTypes.ProbabilistHermite
options.basisNorm = False;
# Create FixedMultiIndexSet and map component
multis = np.array([[0],[1]])
mset= mt.MultiIndexSet(multis)
fixed_mset = mset.fix(True)
component = mt.CreateComponent(fixed_mset, options)
coeffs = component.CoeffMap()
for i in range(len(coeffs)):
coeffs[i] = 0.5*(i+1)
# Serialize objects
def DeserializeComponent():
# Deserialize the FixedMultiIndexSet
# Note that we need to construct the object before calling Deserialize
fixed_mset = mt.MultiIndexSet(np.array([[0]])).fix(True)
# Deserialize the MapOptions
options = MapOptions()
# Deserialize the Map Coefficients and construct the component
inputDim, outputDim, coeffs = mt.DeserializeMap("")
component = mt.CreateComponent(fixed_mset, options)