
class MultiIndex#

A class for working with vectors of nonnnegative integers.

Public Functions

MultiIndex(unsigned int lengthIn, unsigned int val = 0)#

Constructor that creates a multiindex with some default value.

  • lengthIn[in] The length (i.e., number of components) in the multiindex.

  • val[in] The value to be set for all entries.

inline MultiIndex(std::vector<unsigned int> const &indIn)#

Takes a dense vector description of the multiindex and extracts the nonzero components.


indIn[in] Row vector of unsigned integers defining the multiindex.

template<typename Derived>
inline MultiIndex(Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> const &multi)#

Constructs a multiindex from an Eigen vector.

MultiIndex Concatenate(MultiIndex const &otherMulti) const#

Creates a new multiindex that is the concatenation of this multi with another multi.

MultiIndex(Kokkos::View<unsigned int*, Kokkos::HostSpace> const &nzIndsIn, Kokkos::View<unsigned int*, Kokkos::HostSpace> const &nzValsIn, unsigned int lengthIn)#

Construct a new Multi Index object from a set of nonzero indices and values.

  • nzIndsIn – indices of the nonzero values

  • nzValsIn – values that are nonzero

  • lengthIn – dimension of the index (numNz==lengthIn iff all values are nonzero)

MultiIndex(const unsigned int *fullVec, unsigned int length)#

Uses a dense vector description of the multiindex, defined through a pointer, and extracts the nonzero components.

  • fullVec[in] A pointer the memory containing the dense multiindex.

  • length[in] The length of the multiindex.

MultiIndex(std::initializer_list<unsigned int> const &indIn)#

Allows users to intiailize the multiindex with curly braces. For example,

MultiIndex temp{1,0,2,3} 
would create a multiindex with length four and values 1, 0, 2, and 3.

std::vector<unsigned int> Vector() const#

Get the dense representation of this multiindex.


A std::vector of unsigned integers containing the multiindex.

inline unsigned int Sum() const#

Get the total order of this multiindex: the \(\ell_1\) norm.


The sum of the nonzero components: the total order of this multiindex.

inline unsigned int Max() const#

This function returns the maximum degree of this multiindex: the \(\ell_\infty\) norm.


The maximum value of the multiindex.

bool Set(unsigned int ind, unsigned int val)#

Use this function to set the value of the an entry in the multiindex.

  • ind[in] The component of the multiindex to set (starting with 0).

  • val[in] A non-negative value for the dim component of the multiindex.


True if this function updated an already nonzero component, or false if this function added a new nonzero entry.

unsigned int Get(unsigned int ind) const#

Obtain a particular component of the multiindex. Notice that this function can be slow for multiindices with many nonzero components. The worst case performance requires \(O(|\mathbf{j}|_0)\) integer comparisons, where \(|\mathbf{j}|_0\) denotes the number of nonzero entries in the multiindex.


ind[in] The component to return.


The integer stored in component dim of the multiindex.

unsigned int NumNz() const#

Returns the number of nonzero components in the multiindex.


An unsigned integer with the number of nonzero entries in the multiindex.

std::string String() const#

Return a string representation of the Multiindex.


A string showing the dense representation of the multiindex, e.g., “[0,1,4,2]”

inline unsigned int Length() const#

Get the number of components in the index. When used to define a multivariate polynomial, this will return the dimension of the polynomial.


The length of the multiindex. When used for defining multivariate polynomials, this will be the dimension of the polynomial.

bool operator==(const MultiIndex &b) const#

Check for equality of the multiindices.


b[in] The multiindex to compare with *this.


true if both multiindices have the same lengths, nonzero indices, and nonzero values. Returns false otherwise.

bool operator!=(const MultiIndex &b) const#

Check if two multiindices are different.


b[in] The multiindex to compare with *this.


false if both multiindices have the same lengths, nonzero indices, and nonzero values. true otherwise.

bool operator<(const MultiIndex &b) const#

Check if this multiindex is less than b. The multiindices are ordered such that:

a<b if:

  • the length of a is less than the length of b OR

  • the lengths are the same, but the total order of “a” is less than the total order of “b” OR

  • the length and total orders are the same, but the max value of “a” is less than the max value of “b” OR

  • the lengths, total orders, and max values are the same, but “a” is lexicographically less than “b”


b[in] The multiindex to compare with *this.


true if *this < b according to the ordering described above. false otherwise.

bool operator>(const MultiIndex &b) const#

Check if this multiindex is greather than b. The multiindices are ordered such that:

a<b if:

  • the length of a is less than the length of b OR

  • the lengths are the same, but the total order of “a” is less than the total order of “b” OR

  • the length and total orders are the same, but the max value of “a” is less than the max value of “b” OR

  • the lengths, total orders, and max values are the same, but “a” is lexicographically less than “b”


b[in] The multiindex to compare with *this.


true if *this > b according to the ordering described above. false otherwise.

bool operator>=(const MultiIndex &b) const#

Check if this multiindex is greater than or equal to b. This is checked by returning “not (a<b)”


b[in] The multiindex to compare with *this.


true if *this >= b, false otherwise.

bool operator<=(const MultiIndex &b) const#

Check if this multiindex is greater than or equal to b. This is checked by returning “not (a>b)”


b[in] The multiindex to compare with *this.


true if *this <= b, false otherwise.

bool AnyBounded(const MultiIndex &bound) const#

Similar to operator>=, but bound must same length or longer. Further, it only returns false if every value in this is less than every value in bound.


bound – bound for this multiindex


true if any value this[j] is at or above bound[j]


false else

bool HasNonzeroEnd() const#

Whether this index has a nonzero entry at the end.


true if this has a nonzero entry at the end