Multivariate Expansion Worker#

template<class BasisEvaluatorType, typename MemorySpace = Kokkos::HostSpace>
class MultivariateExpansionWorker#

Defines a function in terms of the tensor product of unary basis functions.

  • Cache memory managed elsewhere

    \[\begin{split} \text{cache} = \left[\begin{array}{c} \phi_1^0(x_1)\\ \phi_1^1(x_1)\\ \vdots\\ \phi_1^{p_1}\\ \phi_2^0(x_2)\\ \vdots\\ \phi_2^{p_2}(x_2)\\ \vdots \\ \phi_d^{p_d}(x_d)\\ \frac{\partial}{\partial x_d}\phi_d^0(x_d)\\ \vdots\\ \frac{\partial}{\partial x_d}\phi_d^{p_d}(x_d)\\ \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x_d^2}\phi_d^0(x_d^2)\\ \vdots\\ \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x_d^2}\phi_d^{p_d}(x_d) \end{array} \right] \end{split}\]

Template Parameters:

BasisEvaluatorType – The family of 1d basis functions to employ.

Public Types

using BasisType = BasisEvaluatorType#
using KokkosSpace = MemorySpace#
using Rectifier = typename GetRectifier<BasisEvaluatorType>::type#

Public Functions

inline MultivariateExpansionWorker()#
inline MultivariateExpansionWorker(MultiIndexSet const &multiSet, BasisEvaluatorType const &basis1d = BasisEvaluatorType())#
inline MultivariateExpansionWorker(FixedMultiIndexSet<MemorySpace> const &multiSet, BasisEvaluatorType const &basis1d = BasisEvaluatorType())#
MultivariateExpansionWorker(MultivariateExpansionWorker const &other) = default#
inline unsigned int CacheSize() const#

Returns the size of the cache needed to evaluate the expansion (in terms of number of doubles).


unsigned int The length of the required cache vector.

inline unsigned int NumCoeffs() const#

Returns the number of coefficients in this expansion.


unsigned int The number of terms in the multiindexset, which corresponds to the number of coefficients needed to define the expansion.

inline unsigned int InputSize() const#

Returns the dimension of inputs to this multivariate expansion.


unsigned int The dimension of an input point.

template<typename PointType>
inline void FillCache1(double *polyCache, PointType const &pt, DerivativeFlags::DerivativeType derivType) const#

Precomputes parts of the cache using all but the last component of the point, i.e., using only \(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_{d-1}\), not \(x_d\).

See also


Template Parameters:

PointType – The vector type used to define the point. Can be anything allowing access to components with operator(). Examples are Kokkos::View<double*> or Eigen::VectorXd. Only the first d-1 components of the vector will be accessed in this function.

  • polyCache – A pointer to the start of the cache. This memory must be allocated before calling this function.

  • pt – The point (at least the first \(d-1\) components) to use when filling in the cache.

  • derivType

template<typename PointType>
inline void FillCache2(double *polyCache, PointType const&, double xd, DerivativeFlags::DerivativeType derivType) const#

Precomputes parts of the cache that depend on the \(d^{th}\) component of the point \(x\).

See also


Template Parameters:

PointType – The vector type used to define the point. Can be anything allowing access to components with operator(). Examples are Kokkos::View<double*> or Eigen::VectorXd. Only the first d-1 components of the vector will be accessed in this function.

  • polyCache – A pointer to the start of the cache. This memory must be allocated before calling this function.

  • pt – The point to use when filling in the cache. Should contain \([x_1,\ldots,x_{d-1}]\). The vector itself can have more than \(d-1\) components, but only the first \(d-1\) will be accessed. The value of \(x_d\) is passed through the xd argument.

  • xd – The value of \(x_d\). This is passed separate from \([x_1,\ldots,x_{d-1}]\) to make integrating over the last component more efficient. A copy of the point does not need to be created.

  • derivType

template<typename CoeffVecType>
inline double Evaluate(const double *polyCache, CoeffVecType const &coeffs) const#
template<typename CoeffVecType>
inline double DiagonalDerivative(const double *polyCache, CoeffVecType const &coeffs, unsigned int derivOrder) const#

Evaluates the derivative of the expansion wrt x_{D-1}.

Template Parameters:


  • polyCache

  • coeffs



template<typename CoeffVecType, typename GradVecType>
inline double CoeffDerivative(const double *polyCache, CoeffVecType const &coeffs, GradVecType &grad) const#

Evaluates the expansion and also computes the gradient of the expansion output wrt the coefficients.

Using cached values in the “polyCache” argument and coefficients \(\theta\) from the coeffs argument, this function returns the value of the expansion \(f(x;\theta)\) and computes the gradient \(\nabla_\theta f\) of the expansion output with respect to the coefficients \(\theta\).

Template Parameters:
  • CoeffVecType

  • GradVecType

  • polyCache

  • coeffs

  • grad – A vector that will be updated with the scaled gradient. This is the vector \(g\) in the expression above.

  • gradScale – The scaling \(\alpha\) used in the expression above.

template<typename CoeffVecType, typename GradVecType>
inline double InputDerivative(const double *polyCache, CoeffVecType const &coeffs, GradVecType &grad) const#

Computes the gradient \(\nabla_x f(x_{1:d})\) with respect to the input \(x\).

  • polyCache[in] – Cache vector that has been set up by calling both FillCache1 and FillCache2 with DerivativeFlags::Input

  • coeffs[in] – Vector of coefficients. Must have parentheses access operator.

  • grad[out] – Preallocated vector to hold the gradient.


The value of $f(x_{1:d})$.

template<typename CoeffVecType, typename GradVecType>
inline double MixedInputDerivative(const double *polyCache, CoeffVecType const &coeffs, GradVecType &grad) const#

Computes the gradient of the diagonal derivative \(\nabla_x \partial_d f(x_{1:d})\) with respect to the input \(x\).

  • polyCache[in] – Cache vector that has been set up by calling both FillCache1 and FillCache2 with DerivativeFlags::MixedInput

  • coeffs[in] – Vector of coefficients. Must have parentheses access operator.

  • grad[out] – Preallocated vector to hold the gradient.


The value of $\partial_d f(x_{1:d})$.

template<typename CoeffVecType, typename GradVecType>
inline double MixedCoeffDerivative(const double *cache, CoeffVecType const &coeffs, unsigned int derivOrder, GradVecType &grad) const#

Computes the gradient of the diagonal derivative \(\nabla_w \partial_d f(x_1:d; w)\) with respect to the parameters.

  • polyCache[in] – Cache vector that has been set up by calling both FillCache1 and FillCache2 with DerivativeFlags::MixedCoeff

  • coeffs[in] – Vector of coefficients. Must have parentheses access operator.

  • grad[out] – Preallocated vector to hold the gradient.


The value of $\partial_d f(x_{1:d})$.

inline FixedMultiIndexSet<MemorySpace> GetMultiIndexSet() const#

Allows access to the Fixed MultiIndex Set


The Fixed MultiIndex Set

inline std::vector<unsigned int> NonzeroDiagonalEntries() const#